If by chance you are not familiar with Karlton Banks, please go to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, or Twitter and watch his growing catalog of video vignettes of congregational Black church worship life. This young man is known throughout the world for taking snippets of black church culture and re-presenting it in such an authentic way that causes instantly causes the viewer to see themselves (or someone they know) in the action of the video. With Karlton Banks, that there’s no missing the point. He puts our worship habits (good, bad and the ugly) right before us in a way to forces to own who we are through humor. He captures the essence of who we were; who we are; and where we are headed, all in under one minute, sometimes in 15 seconds. For me, he’s more than the guy who makes me laugh once or twice a week at work or on my phone. Karlton Banks is doing the good work of theology. His creativity is infectious. He makes you want to see each video multiple times so you can search for things you did not see in the previous viewing. Isn't this the goal of worship: to create a space where people experience the narrative of God in fresh and unique ways that do not compromise the integrity of the story - but gives us a chance to see it through a different lens each time we encounter it. What can we do to make worship more compelling, using little or no words? After all, actions speak louder than words, right?